The Church of Jesus Christ Divine Physician is an international independent traditional Catholic megachurch organization. The flagship church will be located in Kensington High Street, London, England. The Church will be opening Catholic megachurches throughout the world in the coming years.

Kensington is the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ Divine Physician, welcoming parishioners from all over the world. The flagship church in Kensington High Street will be a multipurpose facility. The main activities of the flagship church will be-

  • The daily pre-1962 Tridentine Latin Catholic Mass
  • The pre-Vatican II traditional Catholic Sacraments
  • Eucharistic adoration

The Mass and Sacraments will be celebrated and administered by pre-1962 validly ordained Catholic priests and bishops, Catholic priests and bishops from certain valid Thuc lines, as well as Catholic priests and bishops from other valid lines.

The Church of Jesus Christ Divine Physician is involved in every sector and area of life. Helping people and improving conditions based on a Christian worldview. The Church is committed to safeguarding and defending Christian family values.

At a time when freedoms, once taken for granted have come under such threat, The Church of Jesus Christ Divine Physician stands like a mountain of truth and strength.

Kensington High Street will also be the home to numerous Church funded charitable activities and programs, listed below. Including a range of facilities and services for it's parishioners. These will include-

  • Relief services. Distributing food, water filters and essential supplies to third world communities
  • State of the art private Catholic hospital. Using advanced cutting edge conventional and CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) medical treatments, as well as prayer
  • State of the art cinema for the screening of Christian movies
  • Church run film studio, utilizing the most advanced Hollywood quality film technology. The studio will produce and film Christian movies and documentaries. The use of the latest technology for evangelization, such as Internet television
  • World's premier Christian book and multimedia store
  • Seminary, for the formation of Thuc line traditional Catholic priests
  • Convent for the formation of traditional Catholic nuns
  • Catholic legal services. Defending the legal rights of Christians, from all forms of persecution and discrimination. Defending conscience protection for all Christians
  • Supporting and promoting the pro life movement. Defending the rights of the unborn and the elderly
  • Supporting and promoting ID, Intelligent design
  • Garden of Eden themed restaurant and cafe
  • Fun events and social groups
  • Catholic education services
  • Live contemporary Christian music